The ratio of working overtime
A heti 40 óránál hosszabb ideig fizetett munkát végzők aránya, 25-54 éves korcsoport (%)
Az adatok forrása:
Approaching the dimension of decent working conditions from the perspective of excessive working hours, one can say that decent working conditions are insufficiently met. According to OECD data, more than 92.5% of the 25-54 year-old population typically worked more than 40 hours a week in 2012, and the overtime rate declined only slightly compared to 2008. This ratio is slightly above 52% in the 15 “old” member states of the European Union (having been part of the EU already before the 2004 enlargement), and it is still well below the Hungarian figure in the other Visegrad countries, with the V4 average at 87.4% in 2012.