In 2008, Parliament adopted the National Climate Change Strategy (NCCS) on decreasing domestic greenhouse gas emissions.
In 2013, the National Adaptation Centre has carried out a review of the NCCS, and developed the draft of the second National Climate Change Strategy (NCCS-2) based on the results. The NCCS-2 contains the National Decarbonisation Roadmap defining the objectives, priorities and directions for action to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases for the period up to 2050.
The National Adaptation Strategy is also embedded in the document. The conceptual framework for adaptation and preparation cover the situation, risks and the possible courses of action related to climate security in the fields of water management, rural development, health, energy, tourism and other sectors.
In the field of emissions trading, Hungary has significant amount of extra allowances. Based on the quota agreements, revenues generated from the sale of the Kyoto units shall be used for climate protection within the framework of the Green Investment Scheme (GIS). There used to be a transparent practice of quota sales under a previous government in 2009, with revenues used for the financing of programs for isolating residential blocks, improvements in energy use, the replacement of lightbulbs etc. Since 2010, no official information has been made available concerning the GIS.